Walk with Me!

Feel like you never have time to exercise? Or don't know where to start? Maybe you've been meaning to go outside more but don't have much motivation?
Have you tried walking? I know, it may sound silly. But WALKING, yes, just simple walking, is a fantastic exercise for the whole family! And data shows that walking is the most consistently maintained exercise routine! Once you start walking, you too, may find that you feel better and don't want to miss any days!
I love walking beacuse you can find a place to walk nearly anywhere you are, whenever you have time. You don't have to bring any special equipment, and you don't have to do a lot of planning. Just lace up your shoes and get out there!
Walking just may be the key to starting something big in your life, one healthy habit leads to more healthy habits... Maybe those first few steps will encourage improvements in your general wellbeing, your stretching, strength training, sleep habits, and even your diet! We already know that walking (in nature especially), is proven to improve mental health. We could all use a little of that! So what's holding you back?
A good place to walk?
Someone to walk with/an accountability partner?
Meet ME at Riverview Park at 1pm on the first Sunday of every month, and I'll walk with you! I've just created a new chapter of Walk With A Doc, an organization that encourages "education, exercise and empowerment", through physician-led FREE walking groups that always begin with a short (~5 minute) well-being education tidbit. I'm so excited to get started with this program so that we can all hold eachother accountable and share in the vast benefits of exercise, fresh air, and social connections, and maybe we can all even learn a little something.
Bring your walking shoes, a bottle of water, a stroller/baby carrier for your little ones, any friends/family who want to join, and dress for the weather! I plan on walking unless there is extremely threatening weather (*yes, I walk in light rain and snow!).
The park has a great playground for the kids, with climbing structures and swings. We'll be able to see the playground during our entire walk, so if you feel comfortable leaving some of the "big kids" to play, they can join us on the walking loop when they're ready. Oh, and if you're a "bird watcher", we may see some blue birds, woodpeckers, cardinals, tufted titmouse, ducks, geese, and more!
After we begin the session with a brief health topic message, we will get walking and can continue to chat along the walk. The course we will walk is 0.7 miles per lap, and we will walk for at least 60 minutes (maybe 5-6 laps?). There is also a longer loop if we decide to try that instead. No pressure for you to complete any particular distance and you're welcome to take breaks as needed. Bathrooms in that area of the park are NOT always available, so please use the facilities before you come. (The restrooms near the entrace of the park, however, ARE seasonally available I'm told, according to the park staff).
Look for the "Walk with a Doc" bright blue yard sign near the start of our walk.
I can't wait to see you there.
Be well.